Writing Programs for ALL children in grades K & up
All writing programs use this the Learning Without Tears method which is a multi-sensory program to teach handwriting. The stages of writing practice will be a part of each class including multi-sensory warmup, direct instruction, guided practice and independent practice.
Free 15-minute phone call prior to start to discuss your child and any writing challenges your child may be experiencing to set up appropriate activities and practice.
In-depth writing evaluation is available prior to start of group using The Print Tool at an additional cost.
Writing Workshop
We are excited to offer a special Writing Workshop for Kindergarteners led by a pediatric occupational therapist trained in the Learning Without Tears method! This is a drop off program however parents/caregivers are welcome to stay. Writing Workshop will consist of movement exercises, grasp and fine motor practice along with direct writing practice. We will focus on building the skills necessary for handwriting success such as grasp patterns, bilateral coordination, fine motor skills, upper body/core and hand strength, crossing midline, visual motor integration and sensory regulation.
Writing Workshop 1st-4th
1st-4th Grade: Coming Soon
Writing Workshop will consist of movement exercises, grasp and fine motor practice along with direct writing practice. We will focus on building the skills necessary for handwriting success such as grasp patterns, bilateral coordination, fine motor skills, upper body/core and hand strength, crossing midline, visual motor integration and sensory regulation. This workshop will focus on improving handwriting legibility.
One-on-One Writing Session
Kindergarten & up
Individual writing sessions will consist of direct writing practice focusing on building endurance, legibility, and writing stamina. Therapist will provide appropriate exercises and adaptations if needed such as paper suggestions, grips, highlighted lines, etc.
Nurturing Skills, Fostering Growth
programs designed by a pediatric occupational therapist