One-on-One Private Playdates
Does you child have a skill or milestone they are trying to achieve but needs a little boost? Don’t want to commit to weekly OT sessions? Is your child working on skills at home and need support practicing those skills to a community based setting? No need to “wait and see.” This is your opportunity to book a one-on-one playdate in a community setting with an OT, get expert advice and suggestions to start incorporating into your child’s daily routines right away!
Does your child’s preschool or daycare need suggestions on how to best support your child?
Looking for extra support to help your child improve a skill at home?
Schedule a consultation for tips and suggestions.

play dough
play dough
toddler holding assorted-color Crayola lot
toddler holding assorted-color Crayola lot

Playdates and consultations include interaction with child, parent and/or teacher and are offered in-home, virtually or in a community setting.

Educational Workshops

Workshop topics include tummy time strategies, reaching milestones, sensory regulation, fine motor skills for preschoolers or school aged children, handwriting stages and suggestions, etc. Reach out if you are interested in hosting a workshop at your daycare, school, office, etc.
red apple fruit on four pyle books
red apple fruit on four pyle books

Parent Coaching

Parent coaching involves one-on-one sessions with therapist and parent(s). A coaching sessions will provide you with the strategies and activity plan you need to guide your child to reach milestones, overcome any challenges, participate in activities of daily living, and succeed in school and community activities. Parent coaching is designed for all families looking for advice at any stage of development. Parent coaching is offered in home or virtually.
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug