Mini Milestones
0-4 months
At Mini Milestones, you will learn hands on strategies on how to make tummy time fun, alternative tummy time positions and how to present tummy time to a baby who may be struggling to tolerate.
Inquire about outdoor and virtual class offerings.
Belly Buddies
4 months-pre-crawling
At Belly Buddies, you will learn how to set up play for your baby while targeting all sensory systems and motor skills such as rolling, sitting and preparation for crawling. Your baby will be engaged through motor positions, fine motor play, songs, bubbles, sensory play and more!
Inquire about outdoor class offerings.
Crawlers & Climbers
At Crawlers & Climbers, you will learn how to set up play for your baby while targeting all sensory systems and motor skills such as crawling, transitional movements, cruising and preparation for walking. Your baby will be engaged through motor positions, fine motor play, songs, bubbles, sensory play and more!
Join us for a nurturing playgroup for moms/dads & caregivers to connect, learn about tummy time, different play positions, developmental milestones and play strategies for your baby.
Our Infant Playgroups will give you all the tools you need for your baby to have a solid foundation to reach all milestones and have fun! Each session will end with a Q &A.
Developmental Check-ins
This offering is for babies 0-12 months. The purpose of Developmental Check-ins is to provide families with the foundational skills necessary for all babies to reach their milestones. Are you a new mom and want to learn play and positioning ideas for your baby? Or do you feel your baby is having a difficult time tolerating tummy time, rolling, crawling, weight bearing on hands, transitioning to sit? If yes, this program is ideal for you and your baby. Your baby will be provided with hands on exercises and techniques. A variety of age appropriate play activity ideas will be provided to give caregiver an individualized plan to have fun playing with your baby!
If your baby is experiencing challenges with tummy time and you are looking for a more in depth session, an evaluation can be provided including assessing range of motion of the neck, visual skills including eye tracking, tolerance to tummy time positioning, strength of the upper body and flexibility, and hand skills including reaching and grasping. Parents will be provided with immediate guidance related to concerns. Treatment and follow up sessions will be provided as needed.
This is a one-on-one service with therapist/family and can be scheduled in the comfort of your home, in a community based setting or virtually.
Nurturing Skills, Fostering Growth
programs designed by a pediatric occupational therapist